
Showing posts from May, 2021
MY EXPERIENCE IN CREATING A WEBSITE USING THE WYSIWYG WEBSITE BUILDER WYSIWYG is an acronym and stands for “What You See Is What You Get.” This expression is used for Web document creation systems (for example, HTML Editors) and other formats such as image processing programs that output the content on a screen exactly as it will be displayed later on other user devices, such as a printer or Browser. My experience in creating a website using the WYSIWYG is hard because i don't have any idea or experience in creating a website. At first it was really difficult but after reading the module and do some research I already know how to create a website but not totally.To have an experience in creating website using WYSIWYG website builder is all hard at first, but as long as you used this builder it's getting easy after  knowing how to create website.

💗My experiences in creating a website using the WYSIWYG website builder💗

You have more power to create and influence your life than you ever suspected. In fact, you are creating your life this very moment by your inner beliefs and the thoughts you are choosing to entertain. Your thoughts and beliefs are not merely inner perceptions and attitudes, but are actual physical vibrations of energy as real as the floor below you and the clothes you wear. They are the main creative forces in formulating the life you now are experiencing, and in determining what will happen in your future. Simply stated, your thoughts and beliefs are the single most important factor in your life, and one over which you have total control. Yet most of us pay them minimal if any attention.

Cousins Make the Best Friends for Life

                       "💗 Cousins Make the Best Friends for Life💗"  You grow up with them, you always want to hang out with them, you love them like the family they are. Cousins mark a special place in your childhood memories. If that’s not enough, let me share some of the other wonderful reasons why it’s so great to grow up close to your cousins. My kids have a lot of cousins and they absolutely LOVE them. They are always so happy to see them when we have family functions. Fights are rare because they know each other so well. They’re as close as siblings, but without all the sibling drama. When you don’t see each other every single day all day long, it’s easier to put aside petty arguments over things like toys, who got the bigger piece of cake, and other little things that can rapidly evolve into a huge sibling spat. You just hang out and have fun together, letting the small things slide. Cousins truly are best friends...

"💗On Friendship And Unconditional Love💗"

                      "💗 On Friendship   And             Unconditional Love💗 "  "Friendship with his new roommate." "She works hard to maintain her friendships." "He let a silly fight ruin a good friendship."  "I don't want to risk my friendship by bringing that up." "Friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden.”Fr iendship is a connection that lasts longer than any other because of only one strong element in it which even a love-relationship lacks and that is “no-expectations.” "The most amazing hugs, the resounding laughter, the sometimes threatening to walk away and yet stay back without the need of any persuading, the hang-outs, the picking at each other, the calling names, the sharing of secrets and so much more without serious and weighty expectations or demands, friendship truly is the best relationship we make in this world." Th...